Have you ever accidentally posted invoices or other transactions to a date in the wrong year? Or used a date way off in the future, or past even?

Starting with Sage 100 version 2019.2 and newer, Sage has added new Options in Company Maintenance to help avoid those mistakes that are very time-consuming to correct.

View this Sage 100 step by step software tip in video format (6:22)

View this Sage 100 step by step software tip with individual screen shots below.

Go to Library Master > Company Maintenance; Select the appropriate company Code and click on the “Preferences” tab. Note the new options below:

New Options in Sage 100 Company Maintenance

Select the “Use Document Warning Date” check-box to enable the feature. Set the values for the Prior and Future Periods to “Allow Outside of the Current Period”

The values entered here are compared to the current period entered in the module’s “Options” to determine when a date falls outside of the valid date range.

Note, if you start to create a document with a date that falls outside of the valid range, you will receive the warning message below.

Warning Message when document falls outside of the valid range

The message will ask if you want to proceed. If you click YES to continue with the date entered, a record is written into the Sage 100 Activity Log.

Document dates are checked in the following tasks:

Bank Reconciliation

  • Reconcile Bank
  • Check Deposit and Adjustment Entry

Bill of Materials

  • Disassembly Entry
  • Production Entry

Accounts Payable

  • Invoice Data Entry
  • Repetitive Invoice Selection
  • Manual Check and Payment Entry

Accounts Receivable

  • Invoice Data Entry
  • Cash Receipts Deposit
  • Repetitive Invoice Selection

Inventory Management

  • Transaction Entry

Job Cost

  • Job Billing Selection

Purchase Order

  • Material Requisition Issue Entry
  • Purchase Order Entry
  • Receipt of Goods
  • Receipt of Invoice Entry
  • Return of Goods

Return Merchandise Authorization

  • Generate Transactions
  • RMA Entry
  • Receipts Entry

Sales Order

  • Sales Order Entry
  • Invoice Data Entry

For more information or assistance with your Sage 100 software, please contact our Sage 100 support team at 800.232.8913.

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