Have you ever wanted to produce a new budget worksheet using current posted budget data?

Well, it can be done, and we’ll show you how to do it!  This feature is available in both MIP Classic and Modern. Both processes are similar, but you can see some of the differences below.

1) Enter a new worksheet name (Classic) or select Add Budget Worksheet (Modern).

Worksheet Name (Classic)

Add Budget Worksheet (Modern)

2) Select the version for your new copied budget.

Copied Budget Version (Classic)

Copied Budget Version (Modern)


3) Select Budget Dollars and New worksheet and hit next (Classic). Select Budget Dollars and scroll down (Modern).

Budget Dollars, New Worksheet, hit Next (Classic)

Buget Dollars and Scroll Down (Modern)

4) Enter your budget effective dates for which your budget entries will be posted, hit next.

Budget Effective Dates and Budget Cycle (Classic)

Budget Effective Dates and Budget Cycle (Modern)

5) Comparative data is optional and not required for copy purposes since you will simply be posting the same budget figures, select next.

6) Select the segments that you wish to copy, hit next or scroll down.

Segments to be Budgeted (Classic)

Chart of Accounts Segments (Modern)

7) Select the Account Types from All Available Accounts and Activity Basis = ACT to copy the budget exactly as it currently exists in the posted budget you are copying and select next or scroll down.

8) Filters are also optional and not required, hit next or scroll down.

9) This next screen is the first step where we elect to copy data. Choose Calculation Basis of Budget and select the budget version that you are copying. Choose the Calculation Method of Period Matching, which is the only method to bring in data that matches exactly as you have posted, click next or scroll down.

Calculation Basis and Calculation Method (Classic)

Calculation Base and Calculation Method (Modern)

10) The Historical Range screen is where we decide the date range of the existing budget to copy.

Historical Range (Classic)

Historical Data (Modern)

We have now selected the appropriate budget version, segments, and accounts, but this final piece is the ultimate factor of what will be produced into your new worksheet. In Classic, you will click next and be presented with a count of Budget entries totaling what your source budget has posted. Click Finish/Save to produce your worksheet. In Modern, you will click create and it will produce the worksheet automatically.

If you need assistance with budgets in MIP Fund Accounting or have additional related questions, please contact our MIP support team at 800.232.8913.

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