Are you tired of all the clicking to send emails? BusinessWorks has a way of reducing the number of clicks needed to send emails.

Starting in V2021, modifications were made to how emails are sent out of BusinessWorks. Due to these changes, some features were added that may assist users with reducing the

number of clicks necessary to send emails. Some settings can be set on the Send screen in the Electronics Forms Manager that give the end user a choice on how their emails are sent.

When sending emails to multiple people at one time, like for Customer Statements, Direct Deposit advice, or Invoices, there is a setting in the Options menu to ‘Preview E-mail’. If this option is selected, each email will be previewed before sending. If this is deselected, the system sends the document directly without displaying/previewing the individual emails. This prevents having to click Send for each email.

To change your settings when emailing:

  1. On the first Electronic Forms Manager screen accept or edit the Subject and Message. Then select OK.

    Electronic Forms Manager

  2. On the second or send screen of the Electronic Forms Manager, verify that the Service is set to Outlook. The Service option is found in the bottom left-hand corner of the Electronic Forms Manager when emailing.
    Electronic Forms Manager > Service - Outlook

    If ISG MAPI is selected as the Service you will receive a message for each email produced and you will have to select Allow/Deny. To avoid having to Allow the emails, select the Service to Outlook. (However, if you are using 32-bit Office software and you are experiencing issues with the setting set to Outlook, change the setting to ISG MAPI and you will need to select Allow for each email. ISG MAPI is generally used for 32-bit Office.)

    Microsoft Outlook Message

  3. Next, from the menu select Options.
    Options Tab
  4. Deselect ‘Preview E-mail’.
    Options > Preview E-mail
  5. click Send to send emails.
    Send Button at the Bottom

WARNING: Once the Send is selected, your email (for Direct Deposit email advice, statements, invoices, etc…) has been processed. There is no option to stop and change your settings if you forget to deselect Preview E-mail. If the email process is canceled or stopped, you would need to void your direct deposit checks and re-process them to regenerate email advice.


  • The Service selection retains the setting you used last for this feature.
  • Currently, there is no option to save the Preview E-mail setting as the default. This setting needs to be deselected each time the email process is performed.
  • This feature was only tested using the supported email program Outlook. Outcomes for the other email systems may vary and may not get the same results.
  • Features above relate to Outlook. Results may vary depending on your system’s Outlook settings, security, etc… Outcomes for other email systems may not get the same results. If your results vary, work with your computer or network advisor on any questions with your email settings.

Prior to V2021, the options above were not available. When sending a batch of emails for Customer Statements, a batch of invoices, or direct deposit checks, you would need to select `Send’ for each document.

As a possible workaround, some users would select ‘E-mail in unattended mode’ when emailing documents. This alone will not resolve the issue, but if you choose to run in unattended mode, some users were able to take advantage of other (Non-Sage) software that could mimic clicking ‘yes’ or ‘Send’ for you. In attended mode, you will receive a message “A program is trying to automatically send e-mail on your behalf. Do you want to allow this? Yes/No” each time a message is sent.

If you have questions or need assistance with your Sage BusinessWorks software, please contact our BusinessWorks support team at 260.423.2414.

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