MIP Fund Accounting 2019.3 will be released September 19, 2019.

As a reminder, with the release of MIP v2019.2, introduced the terms – Modern and Classic – representing the two different user interfaces that are accessible in MIP Cloud.

The Classic UI is the interface customers have used and trusted for years and is available for all customers who have MIP Fund Accounting.  The Modern UI takes the customer experience into an intuitive user-centric view and is available to MIP Cloud customers, in addition to their Classic view.  To access the Modern UI, go to login.abilaonline.com and login with current MIP credentials.

Enhancements to BOTH MIP Fund Accounting (Classic User Interface) and MIP Cloud (Modern User Interface)

  • Reporting:  
    • Reports:
      • Financial Statements – Statement of Cash Flows – added the default format for the indirect method
      • Financial Statements – Statement of Activities – added option ‘Include Unposted Transactions’ in the report
      • Accounts Payable – Vendor Activity – added filter ‘Zero Activity’ to get vendors with no activity
  • Payroll:
    • Added additional columns for more flexibility in reporting within the payroll module
  • Organization: 
    • Data Integrity Checks – Removed exclusive access requirement and replaced with a system lock search (disallowed when posting or close-year is in progress)
  • Improved Help experience: 
    • Changed Help to be accessible via the web, enabling us to provide documentation updates between releases
  • Enhanced audit trail: 
    • Activities – Reconcile Cash Accounts – added logging to the Summary Organization Audit when an existing Reconciliation ID is deleted
  • Quality improvements across MIP

Enhancements to MIP Cloud (Modern User Interface)

This release includes a number of exciting enhancements and improvements to the modern user interface.  Most importantly, the inclusion of additional Administration functions with more to come in the next release.

  • Administration:  
    • Introduced the following pages:
      • Database – Data Integrity Checks and Default Table Structures
      • System Activity – Current Activity and Concurrent Users
      • Audit Trails – System Audit and Summary Org Audit
      • Manage attachment category at the category level
      • Organization Information
      • Organization Preferences
      • Setup Modules, budget and electronic payments (look for AR and AP In the next release)
  • Operations:
    • Introduced Display Balances – Vendors, Customers, Accounts, and Budget
  • Reporting Enhancement: 
    • Added Export functions from HTML View to access the modern UI

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If you have questions about the enhancements in MIP Fund Accounting 2019.3 or would like to look at moving to MIP Cloud, please contact our MIP software team at 260.423.2414.