For nearly every Sage 100 Fund Accounting (MIP) operation that can be performed using the mouse, there is a key or a combination of keys that can be used to accomplish the same thing.

I’ve listed below special function keys and other key combinations designed to help quickly enter transactions with the Transaction Entry form:

Moves the cursor to the next cell.  If the cursor is at the end of the line, it wraps to the next line.

Moves the cursor to the previous cell.  When the cursor is at the beginning of the line, it goes to the last cell in the previous line.

Selects or clears text.

In a drop-down list, F4 drops the list or pulls it up (if it is down).  In a date or currency field, F4 displays the calendar or calculator.

Copies the contents of the cell immediately above it into the active cell.

Copies the contents of the row immediately above it into the active row.

Pulls in all the transaction entry line values, such as line entry type, line effective date, and line description from the Entry Defaults form.

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