Stop spending time dealing with unwanted email.

Are you one of the many people that walk into your office, sit down at your desk and then wade through your email, much of it being advertisements, promotions and now phishing scams.

Spam, or junk mail, at work is inconvenient, and dealing with it is time consuming. There are steps you can take to reduce the amount of unwanted messages that appear uninvited in your inbox though.

Here are 7 of the Best Ways to Reduce Junk Email at Work:

  1. Report Spam Messages

    Reporting junk email will help train your mail filter to identify future spam messages.  The option to report spam messages is provided by most email clients.

  2. Disable Downloading Graphics Automatically

    If you open a message with automatic picture downloads and external content automatically downloads, you could be verifying to a Spammer that your email is valid. You can prevent external content from downloading automatically by disabling HTML mail and viewing messages in plain text only.

  3. Use Spam Tagging or Filters

    Use the Junk email filter from your email provider. It will filter incoming messages and send those identified as spam straight to Junk email folder. You will want to check the folder occasionally to make sure that legitimate messages were not incorrectly placed there.

  4. Check Default Options

    Whenever you process a transaction online, look for default options. There may be a section which automatically defaults to say you consent to a company sharing your details or sending you future mail about other products and services. Clear any automatically filled check boxes.

  5. Limit Sharing of Email Address

    Whenever you provide a link to your email address, you increase the chance of being spammed. This includes putting your email address on your website and providing your email address verbally; companies can sell or share your email address with other companies. Do so with caution.

  6. Don’t Reply to Spam

    When you reply to spam email message, you confirm that your email address is valid and active and you could therefore receive even more spam messages. This includes clicking on “unsubscribe” in some cases, so only do so with sources you are sure you can trust.

  7. Opt Out of Chain Mails

    Do not agree to participate in chain mails or forward email chain messages. You could be furthering a hoax, virus, or just providing your email address to even more Spammers.

Following the steps above can help you maximize security for your work email. DWD also offers an affordable SPAM filtering service that accepts all incoming mail for your company’s domain and then filters and forwards it to you. Our SPAM filtering service provides inbound email filtering, outbound forwarding, email security, virus blocking, phishing protection and daily filter reports.

Contact us if you have any questions.

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