In the past, we’ve explored how CRM software can organize and automate sales, marketing, and customer service in much the same way that Sage 100 ERP does for accounting, reporting, inventory, financial management, and more.

But in this article, we want to focus how Sage CRM works together with your Sage 100 ERP system to help you understand why companies are increasingly prioritizing an integrated approach.

Visibility: One Version of the Truth

Customers are at the heart of any business. But too often, customer data is spread across multiple systems which isn’t good for accuracy, efficiency, customer service, or reporting.

When you combine Sage CRM with Sage 100 ERP, you have a single source for all customer data and transactions from contact details, shipments, and credit history to quotes, orders, and customer service requests. So whether someone from sales, accounting, or operations pulls up a customer record, they see one version of the truth.

Sales or customer service can also check things like order status, credit history, or inventory availability while they are talking with the customer in real-time. No need to make the customer wait until accounting has a chance to run a report.

No More Duplicate Data Entry

When you connect CRM and ERP, you create a seamless workflow that totally eliminates the hassle and inefficiency of entering the same data in multiple systems.

When a sales person enters a quote or order in Sage CRM, the data is automatically transferred into Sage 100 ERP. Accounting no longer has to re-enter the same order data from hand-written notes or printed reports from sales.

Sales and accounting can both enter transactions or change customer records and have the data update system-wide without duplicate data entry or ever leaving the familiarity of their respective Sage CRM or Sage 100 ERP systems.

Data Integrity and Consistency

It’s no surprise that if multiple departments enter data into multiple disconnected systems and spreadsheets, you’re likely to end up with data that’s inconsistent and unreliable.

Integrated CRM and ERP eliminates that problem so you no longer waste time reconciling reports, tying out balances, and piecing things together. Integrated CRM and ERP provides consolidated reports and a 360 degree view of your business that’s accurate and reliable.

Not Your Grandfather’s CRM

A lot has changed over the years – Sage CRM is no longer a narrowly-focused departmental tool used only by sales and marketing. Integrated CRM and ERP is all about bridging gaps between departments so everyone across your company is working from the same system and data for better efficiency, profitability, and customer service.

©2013 Juice Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. This article content may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), displayed, modified or distributed without express permission from the copyright holder

About the Author: Chris Mengerink

Chris Mengerink has been a Systems Analyst for DWD Technology Group since 2010, and a Director at DWD since 2019. With 14 years of CRM consulting experience, Chris provides software implementation, training, customization and support services. He leads DWD's ERP & CRM software teams and is passionate about helping clients find solutions to their business challenges.

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