DWD’s Annual Sage Intacct Support Plan

Where our desire to see you succeed comes to action.

There’s no better way to protect and extend your software investment than with DWD’s Sage Intacct support plan. We’ll help you reduce the time, resources, effort, and cost of operating your Sage Intacct system.

Our team of consultants takes the time to get to know you and your organization. We’ll help you understand how Intacct can improve efficiency for your team and ensure they learn from every interaction with us.

With DWD’s Sage Intacct support plan, you’ll receive expert, professional assistance when you need it.


Included Standard Plan Services

Starting at $500/month

Support Services
Telephone & Remote Support
Provided M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm Eastern (excluding holidays)
Extending System Modules & Licenses
Assistance in subscribing and granting security permissions for new modules and user licenses. Windows 10
Extended system demos including Sage Intacct Marketplace solutions. Windows 10
System Review to Maximize Software Usage
Annual system review to determine which features of the software could be more fully utilized by your staff. Windows 10
Educational Resources
Bi-monthly Intacct newsletter Windows 10
Bi-monthly Intacct step-by-step software tip Windows 10
Quarterly release new feature & functionality review Windows 10
Annual Intacct user group live webcast Windows 10
Year-end processing tips & tricks live webcast Windows 10
Sage Resource Center Assistance
Sage Intacct Community account setup Windows 10
Sage Knowledgebase usage tips Windows 10
Sage hosted Intacct event notifications Windows 10

*Calls will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis, with special consideration given to mission-critical issues.

Learn more and request pricing for a support plan!

If you’re interested in learning more about DWD’s Sage Intacct support plan, complete the form fields below and we’ll contact you within 2 business days.

Sage Intacct Plan Form
Intacct Support Plan FAQs
No.  If you choose not to purchase a Sage Intacct support plan from DWD, all support will be billed at our normal Sage Intacct hourly support rates.
After completing an initial 12-month commitment, the contract will automatically renew on a month-to-month basis.  You can cancel your plan by giving 30 days written notice.
A prepayment for the first month of support is due at the contract execution.  Following the prepayment, monthly fees are billed on the 15th of each month.
No.  The monthly payment terms provide greater flexibility to renew or cancel your plan.
Support plan rates are evaluated annually at the same time hourly support rates are evaluated.  Support plan rate increases will be communicated 60-days in advance of the increase if adjustments are deemed necessary.

Sage Intacct Resources

Recent Intacct Blog Articles

Check out our blog for educational Sage Intacct articles, product comparisons and other information.

Sage Intacct Newsletters

View the latest software news, updates, events and other helpful Sage Intacct information.

Recorded Videos

Learn more about Sage Intacct features and functionality in in-depth product demos and short overview videos.