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MIP allows tremendous flexibility in configuring a new database.

How many segments will be needed in the chart of accounts? What length should they be? Will they be alpha, numeric or both? What is your fiscal year-end?

Oftentimes, these decisions usually have to be made when clients are least familiar with the software. And once configured, users do not have the ability to modify their selections.

If you find yourself in a position where you need to change your record keeping procedures due to new or changing laws or need to change your reporting structure, it’s time to discuss database modifications. Don’t struggle with an ineffective database. Let us help you make the most of your MIP software.

Examples of instances where a database modification can be necessary:

Changing a Fiscal Year-End

Your board has decided it would make more sense to be on a fiscal year-end rather than a calendar one. And since it’s your job to make that happen, what other option do you have than to start a new MIP database from scratch? The good news is, DWD can assist you by modifying your existing database so it tracks on a fiscal year basis. No need to start over. We can help you meet the requirements and still maintain historical data that is critical to gauging current performance in light of past experience.

Updating MIP to Include an Additional Chart Segment

When your MIP database was first built, it may have seemed like five chart-of-accounts segments gave the organization more than enough reporting capability. But now, ten years later you are being asked to track information by location, by program, by service, by grantor and more. So you find the original chart design no longer provides the flexibility you need. Talk to us about increasing the number of segments in your chart. We can update it to include new segments, thereby avoiding the need to start tracking financial information in Excel spreadsheets.

Deleting a Segment from the Chart of Accounts

When your MIP database was first configured, it may have seemed like a good idea to include 10 segments in the chart of accounts. But after working with the system, that may prove to be overkill. If that’s the case, you have a choice – continue living with unnecessary segments or eliminate them from your database.

Expanding the Length of a Field

Are you tired of trying to come up with unique vendor IDs and descriptive distribution codes using only 12 characters? Or maybe you’ve run out of room in your location segment since it was built as a single digit. Whatever the area of concern, talk to us about increasing the size of the field to allow the flexibility you require.

Combining Multiple MIP Databases

If your nonprofit tracks more than one organization in MIP and does it with multiple databases, there may be an easier solution. Rather than entering new vendors, customers, distribution codes, invoices related to both organizations, custom reports, etc. in both databases, you may want to consider consolidating the information into a single one by making use of a Fund code and consolidating the history of the two organizations into a single one.

Updating Codes Associated with General Ledger History

At one point it may have seemed like a good idea to use alpha codes in your chart of accounts structure as people can more easily identify a location using alpha characters rather than a numeric code. But it soon became apparent that data entry using alpha characters can be much less efficient than using numbers. Or you may simply want to renumber your general ledger accounts to put them in a more logical sequence. Whatever the reason, we have the ability to remap your codes throughout MIP to turn it into a more user-friendly solution.

Merging Vendors

MIP includes a feature that allows users to merge vendor records. This can be very helpful when you have one-time vendors numbering in the hundreds (or thousands). These vendors can all be merged into a single vendor ID, while still maintaining information about the original payee. Unfortunately, this may prove to be a very tedious project. Instead, talk to us about automating the merge. You provide us with a list of vendors to be merged. We’ll do the work for you.