How to Remove a Warehouse in Sage 100

Throughout the years, a common request from users in Sage 100 was: Can I remove a warehouse? In Sage 100 Version 2024, Sage has added a utility that will merge the historical data to an existing warehouse and remove the warehouse that you are merging.

How to Use, Change, and Edit Remit to Address in Sage 100

Have you ever wondered what or where the Remit to Address function is or how to use it? The Remit to Address function is intended specifically for paying vendor invoices to a different Payee – or a different address.

Steps to Take if Your General Ledger Seems Incomplete in Sage 100

Have you ever wondered why information may be missing from the General Ledger? We have received many calls from our clients asking why they cannot see entries in their General Ledger. In this software tip video, we will go over the most likely reason and how to fix it. We will also cover how to prevent problems like this in the future.

Sage 100 Hidden Utilities

Sage 100 comes equipped with many amazing features. You may be aware of many of them, but we will show you some useful hidden utilities you may not be aware of.

Easily Offset Accounts Payable Invoices and Credit Memos in Sage 100

Have you ever had an invoice and a credit memo of the same amount from the same vendor and wondered how to offset those so they no longer show up in Vendor Maintenance or on the Accounts Payable Aged Invoice Report?

The steps in this software tip will show you how to apply the invoice and credit memo in one easy entry.

Exporting Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) Data to Microsoft Excel

Wouldn't it be nice to have a quick way to drop information from a list or report into Microsoft Excel? Learn how to send data from lookups lists or reports directly to Microsoft Excel.

Simplify Day to Day Task Access with Visual Process Flows in Sage 100

Visual Process Flows provides a visual representation of your workflow process, allowing you to quickly identify job-specific tasks and launch screens without searching through a tree of menu items and icons.

How to Reverse an Accounts Payable Check in Sage 100

Many things can happen that prompt the need to reverse an Accounts Payable check including accidentally writing a check to the wrong vendor, accidentally writing a check for the wrong amount or having the check misplaced or lost.

Creating Custom Forms in Sage 100

Learn how to create custom forms in Sage 100.

How to Adjust an Accounts Payable Posted Invoice in Sage 100

Have you ever needed to correct an error on an accounts payable invoice that has already been posted? Or received a credit memo from your vendor and needed to change the amount of the invoice balance?

How to Use Sage 100 Paperless Office to Print & Retrieve Registers

Learn how to permanently store update/posting registers in PDF format.

Applying Prepayments to Vendor Invoices in Sage 100

Have you ever needed to remit a payment to a vendor even though you haven't received all the paper copies of the invoices? There are a few ways that this can be tracked in Sage 100.

Customizing Standard Financial Statements in Sage 100

Learn how to create financial statement customizations that allow for more robust reporting than is offered by default.

Modifying the Standard Reports in Sage 100

Have you ever wanted to make a minor change to an existing Sage 100 report?  Learn a simple method to make a change to an existing report and keep the standard report intact.

How to Run Negative Tier Reports in Sage 100

Did you know you might have hidden negative inventory cost tiers that affect your inventory?  These cost tiers can adversely affect your gross profit calculations & inventory value.  Learn how to easily reconcile these hidden problems.

How to fix the Sage 100 message “A receipt of goods is currently referencing this purchase order”

Have you ever had a purchase order that is stuck in receipt of goods entry? Here is a shortcut method to free that purchase order up without kicking all users out of Sage 100.**Caution: For Advanced Sage 100 Users Only**

Reverse a General Ledger Posting with One Click in Sage 100

If you have ever posted a register to the wrong period and then had to re-key it to reverse it, you know that reentering this information can be time consuming. There is a much easier way reverse a General Ledger with just one click.

Sage 100 System Audit Reports – “Who Changed that Customer’s Address?”

Have you ever noticed a change to a customer or vendor record and wondered who made the change and when it was made? Have you thought it would be nice to have a report of various things happening in Sage 100? This month's tip shows you how to get that information.

Create an Accounts Receivable Credit Memo for Sales Tax Only in Sage 100

Have you ever incorrectly charged sales tax on an invoice where the customer should have been tax exempt? If you have ever needed to create an Accounts Receivable credit memo for sales tax only, this software tip is for you.

Adding a Custom Crystal Report to the Sage 100 Menu

Have you wished you could add your custom Crystal report to the Sage 100 menu?

Scheduling Tasks in Sage 100

Various tasks can be defined to run "behind the scenes" or "after-hours" in order to streamline or expedite processing of information. Learn more about the Task Scheduler in Sage 100.

Using Sage 100 GL Transaction Journal to Transfer Between Banks

Learn how to enter a bank transfer and have it post to the General Ledger as well as to the Bank Reconciliation.


How to Process Prepayments on a Purchase Order in Sage 100

Do you have vendors that require a prepayment on the goods that are purchased from them? There is no need to create spreadsheets or track them manually. Learn how to process prepayments on your purchase orders in this month's software tip.

How to Email Invoices thru Paperless Office in Sage 100

Save time and money.  Learn how to email invoices to clients using Paperless Office in Sage 100.

How to Display Cleared Checks in Sage 100 Vendor Maintenance

Have you ever had a vendor contact you indicating that they hadn't received payment, but you KNOW you processed and sent the check? Learn about an easy way to identify that a check has been cleared, even after purging cleared transactions from a reconciled bank statement.

Create a Single Invoice for Multiple Sales Orders in Sage 100

Sage has added a new enhancement in Sage 100 version 2018.4 that now allows multiple customer sales orders on a single shipment/invoice.  Learn the setup consolidation options.

How to Modify the Lookup Window in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)

Do you know your customer names better than their Sage 100 customer number? Do you wish you could add fields to the lookup window? Well you can..and the great thing is, the lookup can be personalized for each Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) user.

How to Clear A/R Cash Receipts & A/P Check Printing Issues in Sage 100

Learn how to resolve Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts and Accounts Payable Printing issues in this helpful tip.

Batch Processing in Sage 100 v2018 Payroll 2.0

Sage 100 Payroll 2.0 has added a number of new features including the ability to break down payroll entry into specific batches.

This means that more than one person can be working on Payroll Data Entry. Learn how to enable batch processing.

How to Correct Sales Tax in Sage 100

Learn how to correct sales tax so that your customer gets their credit and your Sales Tax Reporting is correct.

How to Backup your Sage 100 Data

Getting ready to do some data maintenance or need to make a payroll backup prior to period end processing?  Learn how to backup your Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) data.

How to Add a UDF to Sales Order and Sales Order Invoice Data Entry in Sage 100

Have you ever wanted to track something in Sage 100 for which there isn’t a data field? For example, you currently accept orders from your customers via your website; however, your website is not integrated with Sage 100. Even though your website is not integrated, you’d still like to know how many orders you’re receiving from the Internet. You search Sales Order Entry for a field to store this information, but there’s none to be found. It’s situations like this for which user-defined fields were developed.

Reconciling Sage 100 AR or AP to General Ledger

Learn about some actions that a user can take to resolve a discrepancy when trying to reconcile Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable to the General Ledger.

Emailing Statements Using Paperless Office in Sage 100

Would you like to not have to print statements and stuff envelopes?  Tired of spending all of that money on paper and postage?  Well, beginning with MAS 90 v4.3 you can email invoices, statements, and other forms directly from Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) using the functionality found in Paperless Office.  This tip will show you how to email statements from the Accounts Receivable module.

Reversing an Entire Accounts Payable Check Run in Sage 100

Have you ever updated 50 or 60 checks only to find that you used the wrong date or that the checks were misnumbered? If you have, then you know how tedious it can be to reverse each check individually. You will no longer have to do that starting with Sage 100 2020.  Learn how to reverse an Accounts Payable check run in 2 different ways.

Connecting Excel to Sage 100 Standard or Advanced

Learn how to use Excel to access data in Sage 100 Standard or Advanced through these steps provided.

Adding Task and External Program Buttons to Your Sage 100 Toolbar

Do you have frequently-used tasks that you want quick access to?  Instead of rifling through the modules menu, wouldn't it be easier to have a button at your fingertips?  In this Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) tip, learn how to customize your Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) toolbar to provide quick access to not only Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) tasks, but also external programs.

How to Avoid Accidentally Posting Documents Dated Incorrectly in Sage 100

Starting with Sage 100 version 2019.2 and newer, learn what Sage has added to new Options in Company Maintenance to help avoid those mistakes that are very time-consuming to correct.

What is a Phantom Bill in Sage 100

In this video, we explain what a phantom bill is and its purpose along with how you can create a phantom bill in Sage 100.

How to Write Off Bad Debt in Accounts Receivable in Sage 100

Learn how to write off invoices in the cash receipts functionality that is within the Accounts Receivable module.

How to Delete & Change Customers in Sage 100 Accounts Receivable

Learn about 2 tools that Sage provides to help manage your customers in Accounts Receivable.

How to Use the Delete and Change Vendors Utility in Sage 100

Learn how to change a vendor's number, merge a vendor with another vendor or delete a vendor using a utility in the Accounts Payable module in Sage 100.

Apply AP Credit Memos to Open AP Invoices in Sage 100

Has your AP Aging become unnecessarily large?  Is your AP Aging bloated due to unapplied credit memos?  If you need to scrub your aging to make it usable, removing unapplied credit memos is a great step to making your AP Aging usable again.

How to Take Advantage of Customized Theme Settings in Sage 100c

Would you like to learn how to take advantage of the new Themes and Settings in Sage 100c.  Watch this video to learn more about the options available to you.

Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) Uppercase Address Utility

Are some of your customer address fields in uppercase while others are in mixed case? Is the city in only half of your vendor files in uppercase? Would you like the case to be uppercase across all the fields? There is a utility called SWUPCS to solve just this issue.

How to Purge Credit Card Information in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)

Learn how to use a feature in Accounts Receivable that allows you to purge expired credit card information.

How to Track Changes to Customer Records in Sage 100

Ever wonder who made a change to information on your customer record in Customer Maintenance?  Learn how you can track changes to customer records in Sage 100.

How to Change Sage 100 User Preferences

Most commonly used Sage 100 User Preference Options

Using Business Insights Explorer in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)

Would you like to be able to easily sort and analyze your data including the ability to drill down into the source documents? Reports are the standard tool for viewing information, but for more flexibility in analyzing data, try Business Insights Explorer.

How to Set Up Vendor Specific Pricing during Purchase Order Entry in Sage 100

Learn the steps to setup vendor specific pricing for an item so that each vendor's pricing defaults in as the unit cost during purchase order creation.

Warehouse Status Options in Sage 100 2018

Welcome to Sage 2018! Take a look at this new feature and the 3 status options that you may choose for Warehouse Maintenance.

How to Post an Out of Balance Journal Entry in Sage 100

There are some instances where your daily transaction register can post out of balance.  If you have ever reviewed your General Ledger trial balance report and discovered it is not in balance, you may need to post a one sided journal entry.

Emailing/Exporting Reports from Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)

Did you know you can easily export or e-mail a number of reports in current versions of Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)? Reports can be exported in different formats including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF and many more.

Advanced Field Settings in Sage 100

Does your company want to require certain data at time of data entry? Businesses have key data points that are often missed or overlooked during data entry, Sage 100 has a feature that the company can require field settings to minimize data entry errors.

Configuring Sage 100 for Vendor ACH Payments

Learn a number of ways to configure Sage 100 process Vendor payments via ACH in this tip.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys in Sage 100

Keyboard Shortcuts also known as Hotkeys allow you to press a combination of keys to perform computer functions, as opposed to having to move your hand back and forth to your mouse. They can help you save time in your Sage 100 system.

How to Set Up an Employer Contribution in Sage 100

Learn how to set up an Employer Contribution to minimize or even eliminate manual calculations.

Copying a Salesperson on Invoices in Sage 100

Learn how to copy a salesperson on invoices in Sage 100 2019 and newer versions.

Sage Software Customer Portal in Sage 100

Take advantage of the information contained within Sage Software's Customer Portal.

How to Customize Memo Pop-ups in Sage 100

Have you wanted to use the memos in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200), but they pop up at annoying times? Learn how to customize memo pop-ups.

Create a Unique Look for Each Company in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)

Avoid accidentally entering data in the wrong company by creating a unique look for each company in Sage100 (MAS 90/200).

How to Find Missing Accounts in Your Sage Intelligence Reports Designer in Sage 100

Sage has added a new feature in the 2015 Intelligence report Designer to help identify missing accounts in your report layouts.

How to Use Custom Office to Enhance Security in Sage 100

Have you ever wanted to hide a field from a user? Maybe you want the field to be visible, but you don't want the user to be able to modify the field.  Learn how to use Custom Office to enhance your existing security by either locking or hiding the credit limit field in A/R Customer Maintenance.

How to Set up Expense Distribution in Sage 100

In this software tip, we'll take a closer look at the Expense Distribution Tables feature in Sage 100. You'll learn how to set up your company to use Expense Distribution Tables and how to correspond percentage amounts with general ledger accounts.

Matching Vendor and Customer Invoices in Sage 100

Learn how Sage 100 has a way to connect a customer with a vendor and to offset open invoices.

Disable the Sage 100 Product Enhancement Program Prompt

Learn how to disable Sage Software's product enhancement program prompt from your system.

How to Install the Sage 100 PDF Converter

Are you coming across errors such as 30, 41, or another error when creating paperless office documents out of Sage 100? Follow these steps to help install the Sage 100 PDF Converter.

How to Report a Sage 100 Error Message to DWD Support

Learn how to send error messages to our support in order to make the finding of the resolution more efficient.

Defining Formats for Standard Reports in Sage 100

Learn how to specify the fonts, style, and data elements to print on the header and footer sections of standard reports using Report Format Maintenance in Sage 100. We'll also show you how to define the font and style for the body of the report, and add images to the header and background of the standard report.

How to Update the Y2K Data Field in Sage 100

Remember all the hype about Y2K and how the world was going to come to a stop?  Well, as we know now our fears were unfounded; however, there is still a data field in Sage 100 that is Y2K related that could cause unintended results unless it is properly set.

Refunding a Credit on a Customer’s Account in Sage 100

There may be times when a customer has overpaid, or a credit has been issued for a fully-paid invoice.  Sometimes the customer is okay with leaving the open credit; others want their money refunded. How would one go about such a task?

How to Create a BIE Header & Detail Export in Sage 100

Are you used to only being able to export the Header information in Business Insights Explorer? You are able to grab the Sales Order Header and Line item detail and create a single file export. Follow these steps to create a single file export of the Sales Order Header and Line item detail.

Configure Memos Module Wide in Sage 100

Are your memos in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) popping up at inconvenient or annoying times? This tip will show you how these memos can be controlled globally and within each module.

How to Delete, Renumber, and Merge Item Numbers in Sage 100

Learn how to Delete Item Numbers, Renumber Item Numbers, and/or Merge Item Numbers. The utility program in Sage 100 that is used to complete this task can be found in the Inventory Management module under the Utilities menu called Delete and Change Items.

Setting Default Form Codes in Sage 100

A Sage 100 administrator can define default form codes for companies by Role or by User.

Defining Formats for Standard Reports in Sage 100

Specify the fonts, style, and data elements to print on the header and footer sections of standard reports using Report Format Maintenance in Sage 100.

Using Visual Integrator to Export Data from Sage 100

Have you ever wanted to pull information from Sage 100 and get it into Excel format? The Visual Integrator in Sage 100 allows for the export and import of data within Sage 100.

Utilizing Group Screen Customizations in Sage 100

Would you like to be able to setup custom screens for your users? One option would be to create custom screens for every individual user, but this in itself has clear problem with upkeep as time goes by. The better solution in this scenario is to begin using Group Customizations.


Utilizing Shadow Tables for Field Validation in Sage 100

Do you need to validate a UDF in one entity, against records in another? This tip shows you how to utilize shadow tables for field validation in Sage 100.