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Sage 100 Hidden Utilities
Sage 100 comes equipped with many amazing features. You may be aware of many of them, but we will show you some useful hidden utilities you may not be aware of.
Exporting Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) Data to Microsoft Excel
Wouldn't it be nice to have a quick way to drop information from a list or report into Microsoft Excel? Learn how to send data from lookups lists or reports directly to Microsoft Excel.
Creating Custom Forms in Sage 100
Learn how to create custom forms in Sage 100.
How to Use Sage 100 Paperless Office to Print & Retrieve Registers
Learn how to permanently store update/posting registers in PDF format.
Modifying the Standard Reports in Sage 100
Have you ever wanted to make a minor change to an existing Sage 100 report? Learn a simple method to make a change to an existing report and keep the standard report intact.
Sage 100 System Audit Reports – “Who Changed that Customer’s Address?”
Have you ever noticed a change to a customer or vendor record and wondered who made the change and when it was made? Have you thought it would be nice to have a report of various things happening in Sage 100? This month's tip shows you how to get that information.
Adding a Custom Crystal Report to the Sage 100 Menu
Have you wished you could add your custom Crystal report to the Sage 100 menu?
Scheduling Tasks in Sage 100
Various tasks can be defined to run "behind the scenes" or "after-hours" in order to streamline or expedite processing of information. Learn more about the Task Scheduler in Sage 100.
How to Email Invoices thru Paperless Office in Sage 100
Save time and money. Learn how to email invoices to clients using Paperless Office in Sage 100.
How to Modify the Lookup Window in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)
Do you know your customer names better than their Sage 100 customer number? Do you wish you could add fields to the lookup window? Well you can..and the great thing is, the lookup can be personalized for each Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) user.
How to Backup your Sage 100 Data
Getting ready to do some data maintenance or need to make a payroll backup prior to period end processing? Learn how to backup your Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) data.
Emailing Statements Using Paperless Office in Sage 100
Would you like to not have to print statements and stuff envelopes? Tired of spending all of that money on paper and postage? Well, beginning with MAS 90 v4.3 you can email invoices, statements, and other forms directly from Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) using the functionality found in Paperless Office. This tip will show you how to email statements from the Accounts Receivable module.
Connecting Excel to Sage 100 Standard or Advanced
Learn how to use Excel to access data in Sage 100 Standard or Advanced through these steps provided.
Adding Task and External Program Buttons to Your Sage 100 Toolbar
Do you have frequently-used tasks that you want quick access to? Instead of rifling through the modules menu, wouldn't it be easier to have a button at your fingertips? In this Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) tip, learn how to customize your Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) toolbar to provide quick access to not only Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) tasks, but also external programs.
How to Avoid Accidentally Posting Documents Dated Incorrectly in Sage 100
Starting with Sage 100 version 2019.2 and newer, learn what Sage has added to new Options in Company Maintenance to help avoid those mistakes that are very time-consuming to correct.
What is a Phantom Bill in Sage 100
In this video, we explain what a phantom bill is and its purpose along with how you can create a phantom bill in Sage 100.
How to Take Advantage of Customized Theme Settings in Sage 100c
Would you like to learn how to take advantage of the new Themes and Settings in Sage 100c. Watch this video to learn more about the options available to you.
Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) Uppercase Address Utility
Are some of your customer address fields in uppercase while others are in mixed case? Is the city in only half of your vendor files in uppercase? Would you like the case to be uppercase across all the fields? There is a utility called SWUPCS to solve just this issue.
How to Change Sage 100 User Preferences
Most commonly used Sage 100 User Preference Options
Emailing/Exporting Reports from Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)
Did you know you can easily export or e-mail a number of reports in current versions of Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)? Reports can be exported in different formats including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF and many more.
Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys in Sage 100
Keyboard Shortcuts also known as Hotkeys allow you to press a combination of keys to perform computer functions, as opposed to having to move your hand back and forth to your mouse. They can help you save time in your Sage 100 system.
Sage Software Customer Portal in Sage 100
Take advantage of the information contained within Sage Software's Customer Portal.
How to Customize Memo Pop-ups in Sage 100
Have you wanted to use the memos in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200), but they pop up at annoying times? Learn how to customize memo pop-ups.
Create a Unique Look for Each Company in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200)
Avoid accidentally entering data in the wrong company by creating a unique look for each company in Sage100 (MAS 90/200).
Disable the Sage 100 Product Enhancement Program Prompt
Learn how to disable Sage Software's product enhancement program prompt from your system.
How to Install the Sage 100 PDF Converter
Are you coming across errors such as 30, 41, or another error when creating paperless office documents out of Sage 100? Follow these steps to help install the Sage 100 PDF Converter.
How to Report a Sage 100 Error Message to DWD Support
Learn how to send error messages to our support in order to make the finding of the resolution more efficient.
Defining Formats for Standard Reports in Sage 100
Learn how to specify the fonts, style, and data elements to print on the header and footer sections of standard reports using Report Format Maintenance in Sage 100. We'll also show you how to define the font and style for the body of the report, and add images to the header and background of the standard report.
How to Update the Y2K Data Field in Sage 100
Remember all the hype about Y2K and how the world was going to come to a stop? Well, as we know now our fears were unfounded; however, there is still a data field in Sage 100 that is Y2K related that could cause unintended results unless it is properly set.
Configure Memos Module Wide in Sage 100
Are your memos in Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) popping up at inconvenient or annoying times? This tip will show you how these memos can be controlled globally and within each module.