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Positive Pay Reports in Sage BusinessWorks 2024
Did you request an enhancement suggestion to Sage BusinessWorks about positive pay confirmation? Sage BusinessWorks 2024 has put your suggestion into effect.
Exporting Reports to Excel or Word in Sage BusinessWorks
Learn about updates to internal reports in Sage BusinessWorks that has made it easier to export information to an Excel spreadsheet or a Word document.
Sage BusinessWorks Shortcut Keys
Increase your productivity in day to day operations by learning to use BusinessWorks keyboard shortcuts.
Reversing and Voiding Journal Entries in BusinessWorks
What's a Reversing Journal Entry, and why would I need one? Should I void an entry instead? Learn how to do both.
Making Corrections on an Accounts Payable Invoice in BusinessWorks
Depending on the nature of the correction that might need to be made, Sage BusinessWorks allows you a few choices. Learn how you can make corrections to an Accounts Payable invoice.
Recurring Journal Entries in BusinessWorks
Sage BusinessWorks offers functionality that can help you minimize your typing by allowing you to create a journal entry template.
Reconciling Accounts Payable in Sage BusinessWorks
Whether it’s the end of the month or the end of your Fiscal Year, it is important to check regularly on the health of your financial information. Part of the “financial physical” you should perform is to compare the balance of
transaction details with balances on the General Ledger.
Correcting Bank Statement Reconciliation Issues in BusinessWorks
There are a number of situations that can cause your statement to not reconcile properly. Read about some common issues & what you can do to resolve them.
Resetting Sage BusinessWorks Users and Tasks
A stranded task or user can interfere with performing exclusive operations in Sage BusinessWorks Accounting (for example, closing the month, backing up or restoring data, or rebuilding a module) and must be cleared. Learn the steps to reset Sage BusinessWorks users and tasks.
How to Create Report Groups in BusinessWorks
Wouldn't it be convenient to have one place from which you can generate all the reports you need? Learn how Sage BusinessWorks allows you to do that.
Signs That You’ve Outgrown Your BusinessWorks Accounting Software
Having critical business information at your fingertips is essential to managing a healthy, successful company. If you are lacking access to the business information needed to make informed decisions or you see other signs of inefficiencies, you could be outgrowing your current accounting software system.
Using BusinessWorks Audit Reports to Determine if Your Month-End Close Was Successful
Once in awhile, things can happen that make you wonder if you properly closed the month. One easy way to determine the success of your month-end close is by reviewing the Audit Report. This can be done in a few easy steps.
Reversing Payroll Checks in Sage BusinessWorks
Correcting Invoice and Check Posted to Wrong Vendor in Sage BusinessWorks
Have you paid the wrong vendor and now need to fix it? Learn how to void the payment made to the incorrect vendor so you can get your payment to the correct vendor.
How to Set Up Recurring Invoices in BusinessWorks
Have you found yourself entering the same vendor invoice month after month after month? Would you like to find a way to streamline that data entry process to minimize the potential for entering that invoice incorrectly? Sage BusinessWorks has had the ability to create a “template” for consistent data entry.
Rebuilding Data Files in BusinessWorks
Learn the reasons why you might need to rebuild your Sage BusinessWorks data files, and how to do it properly in this software tip.
How to Set Up a 401(k) or a Roth Payroll Deduction in BusinessWorks
Your company is going to offer a retirement savings opportunity for its employees, and employees can contribute through payroll deduction. Learn how to set up the deduction to withhold the employees’ contributions.
Out of Balance Bank Reconciliation – How Do I Know What to Fix in BusinessWorks
Have you ever checked off hundreds of line items on your bank statement, only to be told by BusinessWorks that you're STILL out of balance? There are a number of reasons why your statement won't reconcile properly. Learn tips to balance your Bank Reconciliation.
Using the Power Search Option for On-the-Fly Reporting in BusinessWorks
If you have ever used the Power Search option within the Lookup feature, you know you have found a powerful querying tool, but did you know you can also use this for on-the-fly reporting?
Voiding Vendor Checks in BusinessWorks
Do Not Fear the End of the Year in Sage BusinessWorks
Fixing an Invalid Date on an Aging Report in BusinessWorks
How to Setup Users and Permissions in Sage BusinessWorks
on User ID and/or Company ID. Learn how to add new users and permissions in your BusinessWorks system.
Handling Accounts Receivable Cash Transactions in Sage BusinessWorks
Learn how the “Cash” option works in various Accounts Receivables transactions.
Adding Employer Contribution to Employees’ W-2s in BusinessWorks
If you need to add Employer Insurance Contributions, but you did not include this information directly on the employees’ paychecks, see the following to find out how to add the Employer Contribution directly to the employees’ W-2s.
Exporting Positive Pay Data from Sage BusinessWorks
Learn how to replicate an export banking feature called Positive Pay that Sage BusinessWorks does not have by creating your own custom export in BusinessWorks.
Correcting Customer Payments in Sage BusinessWorks
Did you ever accidentally post a customer payment to the wrong customer or wrong invoice? By following a few steps, you can correct an inappropriately applied payment.
How to Setup an Employer Contribution in BusinessWorks
Learn how to setup an Employer Contribution to minimize or even eliminate manual calculations.
What is the Role of the System Manager in Sage BusinessWorks?
Why Won’t My Report Open in Sage BusinessWorks?
So, you’re trying to run a report, and it just doesn’t want to show up. Well, it does, but it’s a minimized task on your taskbar. You click on the task, but the report still won’t open. What’s going on, and how can this be fixed? Learn the steps you can take to get your report to display correctly.
How to Add/Edit Vendors and Invoices on the Fly in BusinessWorks
Normally, BusinessWorks users enter invoices with Enter Invoices and add and edit vendor information with Maintain Vendors. To speed up the process, you can also enter invoices and maintain vendor information without returning to the menus.
Processing Refund of Customer Overpayment in BusinessWorks
Learn how to refund a customer overpayment instead of leaving an open credit on their account.
How Can I Attach Files in Sage BusinessWorks
Learn how an Attachment Manager can keep important files right at your fingertips.
All You Need to Know about Month End Closes for Sage BusinessWorks
A month end close that does not complete successfully leaves your data in an unknown state. Learn what you should do if you ever have something happen during a month close.
Create Mailing Labels with Sage BusinessWork Exports
Learn the steps to export your contacts into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that can later be used as the mailing label data in Microsoft Word's label making feature.
Why Won’t My Payroll Report Run in Sage BusinessWorks?
Having issues generating your Payroll report? Check out a few helpful tips to have your Payroll report run in Sage BusinessWorks.
What are Flash Reports and Why Would They Be Useful in Sage BusinessWorks?
There are many reports available within Sage BusinessWorks, some of which might seem more useful than others. Learn how Flash Reports can provide statistics about your company’s performance from different viewpoints.
Tips to Protect Your Financial Data in BusinessWorks
Your company's financial data is a critical record of your fiscal history and is crucial for protecting your business’ continuity. Yet many times, not enough importance is put on protecting that data. Learn how to protect it with a few easy steps.
You Might Need an Allocation Table in BusinessWorks If…
Learn how to create expense Allocation Tables to automatically proportion an invoice balance among multiple GL accounts.
How to Adjust Sales Tax on a Prior Invoice In BusinessWorks
I Voided an Invoice in BusinessWorks with the Wrong Date, can it be Corrected?
Have you ever forgot to change your posting date when voiding invoices in BusinessWorks? Follow these steps to correct both Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable invoices voided with incorrect date.
It’s December and Time to Give Those Bonus Checks in Sage BusinessWorks
Learn the two ways that you can process a bonus check using Sage BusinessWorks.
Voiding/Returning an Invoice Created in Order Entry in BusinessWorks
Sometimes it is necessary to remove or correct invoices or to just simply receive a product returned by customers. Learn how to Void Invoices, Part Returns, and Invoice Returns in Sage BusinessWorks.
Setting Up Direct Deposit in Sage BusinessWorks
Minimize the physical checks that you print and learn how to create a Direct Deposit file that you can upload to your bank.
Why Should I Download BusinessWorks Service Packs?
Service packs include such updates to the software as patches, bug fixes, and minor upgrades as well as tax table updates.
Filtering Reports in Sage BusinessWorks
Are you wishing you could filter a report to only show journal entries posted to a department or specific general ledger? By adding a filter you can see journal entries for a particular account or department.
Distinguishing Which Company is Which in Sage BusinessWorks
Did you know that Sage BusinessWorks can now distinguish among multiple companies with which you're working? Sage BusinessWorks version 2021 can now do that with "Theme" to define colors.
Importing Customers in Sage BusinessWorks
Are you familiar with all the tools that can assist you in entering types of information? Sage Businessworks offers various tools to lessen the strain of manually entering certain types of information within the software.
How to Void a Customer Receipt Posted as Cash in Sage BusinessWorks
From the three payment methods available: Check, Credit Card, and Cash. Learn how to void cash payments.
Recurring Invoices in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable in Sage BusinessWorks
Are you tired of having to wait for your recurring invoices to post until the end of the month? Sage gives you the ability to post recurring invoices manually.
Disaster Recovery Tips for Sage BusinessWorks
A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is an important part of any business. The following is a list of necessary components to recover Sage BusinessWorks after a hardware failure, virus, ransomware attack, or natural disaster.
How to Set Up and Troubleshoot Security and User Access in Sage BusinessWorks
Currently, users are granted or denied access to tasks in Sage BusinessWorks on a company-by-company basis. This software tip covers how to set up and troubleshoot security and user access.
Save Time and Avoid Loss – Essential Data Backup Tips for Sage BusinessWorks
Your data is vulnerable to various risks, such as hardware failures, cyberattacks, and natural disasters. Backing up your data and having those backups easily accessible is often the quickest, most affordable way to recover.
How to Clean Up Your Bank Reconciliation in Sage BusinessWorks
Are you wanting to clean up your bank reconciliation in Sage BusinessWorks? Here are three options that can help.