Require field setting to minimize data entry errors.

Does your company want to require certain data at time of data entry? Businesses have key data points that are often missed or overlooked during data entry, Sage 100 has a feature that the company can require field settings to minimize data entry errors.

View this Sage 100 step by step software tip in a video format (1:31)

View this Sage 100 step by step software tip with individual screen shots below.

Navigate to Modules -> Custom Office -> Main -> User-Defined Field and Table Maintenance.

Require field settings to minimize data entry errors

Double click the module to expand.

Module Options

Right click the table (SO_SalesOrderHeader in the demo) and select Advanced Field Settings

Advanced Field Settings Selection

Click the green plus icon.

Green Plus Sign on the Right Margin

Select the field (CustomerPONo for the demo), the user/company for which the settings should apply, and the settings to implement (Required for the demo). When done, click OK.

Field: CustomerPONo; Check both 'All' boxes; check 'Required'; click OK

You will now see the setting in the list. Click Close.

Setting in the list; click Close

Test the change. For the demo, create a Sales Order and leave the Customer PO field blank. When Accept is clicked, a popup will display indicating Customer PO is a required field.

Testing the change. Popup will display indicating Customer PO is a required field

REMINDER: Users will need to close and reopen the module with the change for the new settings to take effect (Sales Order Entry for the demo).

For more information or assistance with your Sage 100 software, please contact our Sage 100 support team at 800.232.8913.

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