So you’ve decided to upgrade Sage 50 to Sage 100 – Now what?

As a certified Sage 50 and Sage 100 software consultant, I’ve seen many successful and some not so successful ERP implementations.  It’s enormously disappointing for me to see a company implement Sage 100 and later wonder why they aren’t seeing efficiencies or getting the Business Intelligence they were expecting.

I believe most software consultants desire to see success for their clients through whatever new solution they are implementing.  With this in mind, I’ve listed a number of helpful tips below to increase the success of your ERP implementation.

Top 5 things to make a successful Sage 50 to Sage 100 migration

1. Know what Sage 100 is and how it can improve your company operations and business processes

Sage 100  is not just another accounting software program for you to plug in the same old data, just in a different way.  It’s a new way to look at what you are doing, how you are doing it, and whether you are successful at it.

An ERP implementation is the ideal time to review your current business processes and look for areas of improvement. Meet with managers in each area of your business and discuss where process improvements should be made and determine where there is a duplication of effort.  With your new Sage 100 system, you have an opportunity to improve operational efficiency.

It’s important to drop the “we’ve always done it this way” mentality and embrace a new level of innovation that can improve productivity, profitability, and drive growth.

2. Set Clear Plans & Proper Expectations

It is extremely important to have a defined objective and scope for your Sage 100 software deployment.  A project that is not planned will likely fail!

You should be able to state the 5 main reasons you need a new ERP system, and the output you want from it.  It is also essential to understand a good ERP software deployment is a significant undertaking and will involve a considerable amount of your teams’ time to be successful.

3. Put together the best implementation team

When selecting a team that will be responsible for the project’s success, include experienced project managers across all areas of your business.  You need a team that takes this responsibility seriously and has the ability to drive the project to completion.

It’s also a best practice to assign one or two individuals that will become your Sage 100 implementation project champions.  These individuals will undertake more one-on-one training in order to learn more advanced features to promote what the software can do and provide end-users a go-to person within the organization when they have questions.  This go-to person becomes a fountain of knowledge and can also decrease total cost of ownership of your implementation.

4. Plan a phased approach

Implementing a full Sage 100 system is a fairly large undertaking and it will impact many areas of your business. If too many areas are impacted at once it may be too much for the business to handle. If this happens, staff will be reluctant to let go of the old system and their familiar ways. A Phased approach may be a better choice. See if you can carve the project up into logical sections.

5. Align yourself with an experienced software partner

A number of companies believe ERP software deployment is something that can be done by their IT & accounting departments.  While your IT and accounting personnel will play an important role in your Sage 100 implementation, it’s key to select and work with a good ERP Business Partner.  The Business Partner will spend time discussing critical business-related topics and processes to align the ERP deployment to your business.

Sage 50 to Sage 100: A Natural Upgrade

Sage 100 has been a natural upgrade path for Sage 50 users for many years.  Migration from Sage 50 to Sage 100 can be smooth sailing when you know what this change will mean to your business, you have a plan in place and choose the right software provider and the right ERP solution (see also: Sage Intacct vs Sage 100).

How Can DWD Help with Your Sage 100 Implementation?

  • DWD is one of few Sage Software resellers that has experience with both Sage 50 and Sage 100
  • We have extensive experience converting data from Sage 50 to Sage 100
  • As a Master Developer, DWD is able to assist with the development of software customizations to help expand Sage 100 functionality
  • We have Crystal Reports experts on staff to create custom, real-time, reports quickly and easily
  • Our Sage 100 team has 20+ years of experience implementing extended solutions when necessary.  From warehouse or manufacturing automation to automated reporting & alerts our team can help you fulfill your unique business needs.


If you’ve been looking for help with your Sage 100 implementation, we are here for you.  Contact us to discuss your project today!

About the Author: Mary Hildinger

Mary Hildinger has been with DWD Technology Group since 1996. Mary is a Sage 100 Certified Consultant with over 28 years of experience. She has extensive experience with new software implementations (with a focus on core accounting, distribution and payroll), upgrades, training, and custom Crystal Report writing.

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